HIGHLANDS Gray skies and intermittent showers weren’t enough to slow the enthusiasm and fun at the Pilot Club’s 7th annual Community Fair, last Saturday Feb. 26 at the Highlands Elementary School. A large crowd showed up for the festivities and the Fish Fry, ably cooked by the Henderson team and other helpers.
With Doug Keyes as MC, the entertainment included the Pick N Grin band, the Marilyn Sikoras Cloggers, songs by Mathan Edwards, an appearance by “Elvis”, the Lone Star Kids, Charles Woods, songs by Suzzie Thompson Garcia and Lorie Lopez, and dancing by the Community Center’s Line Dancers.
President Nancy Porter introduced the Officers and Directors of the Club.
Crafts booths, games, a blood drive, exhibitions of Fire Department equipment and County maintenance equipment, and Constable Ken Jones’ 19th century Jail Wagon were part of the show.
A silent auction featured a signed baseball by Nolan Ryan, a coffee brunch with Commissioner Sylvia Garcia, and much more. A card draw featured an $800 diamond ring, which was won by Betty Michalsky. The live auction top prize of 10 yards of concrete was won by Danny Moore for a $600 bid. The club’s raffle resulted in 1st Prize HP Photo Studio won by Kristin Romero; 2nd prize a Quilt, Norma Cotten; $100 gift certificate, Jim Hildebrand; Watch Bracelet, won by Ella Jeter. Door prizes were also awarded.
Pilot Club members and the community deemed the Fair another success, even though the overall benefit monies will be slightly less than previous years.