HIGHLANDS The San Jacinto River Coalition held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night, with about 150 attending at the Community Center.
But instead of hearing information on the possible contamintion in their well water, they had to wait a few more weeks, said Jackie Young.
After attending a meeting with Harris County Public Health, she was unable to provide the definitive information that the audience asked for. They wanted a detailed quantitative report on dioxins, and other contaminants in their water.
100 wells have been tested by the county last month, and 71 of those received a letter advising them not to drink or cook their water.
Jackie Young, executive director of the group, gave a history of the organization, her involvement, and status of the EPA study of the waste pits.
She also played a video of Congressman Gene Green, questioning EPA director Mathy Stanislaus on EPAs plans to remediate the Superfund Site. The reply was that a study was almost complete, and an answer with a public comment period would be ready by the end of summer. Green emphasized the time critical nature of the remediation, since many people were experiencing health concerns and problems.
His comment on the video to Stanislaus, We want it cleaned up. We want it completely removed.
Young also produced a letter from Congressmen Brian Babin, and Randy Weber, expressing the same sentiment and asking for complete removal.
The Coalition is establishing a Memorial Display, to honor those who are sick or deceased from the environmental problems. The next meeting of the group is on August 23 at Walker Community Center. The topic is ground water.