CROSBY – Harris County Sheriff’s Office’s Patrol Deputies of northeast Harris County will meet to address community concerns at the Crosby Community Center May 17 at 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
The Community Center is located at 409 Hare Road. The meeting is formatted to last just one hour to fit in the many community members that are active in varied concerns.
Sheriff Ed Gonzales during the election demonstrated a profound knowledge of the principles of Community Policing. His office established these community meetings to share information and gain ideas beneficial to the community.
“We want these to be productive community meetings with positive results. This is a prime opportunity for the community to ask questions of District III of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.”
Last week in Highlands, during their Safety Forum discussion ranged from solving issues that have come up with citizen’s patrols to identifying potentially troubled area and best approaches to getting in contact with the local deputies in other than emergency situations.
Information brochures concerning Business security, preventing scams, shredding events, anti-burglary tactics, avoiding robbery and many other topics were made available.
Many deputies currently patrolling Crosby may be new to most of the community so it may be a chance to meet your patrol deputy for the first time and the new Captain.