CROSBY – COVID -19 has certainly put local venues to the test of late.
The Crosby Fair and Rodeo had to cancel the Cook-Off, including a gig with Bag of Donuts (a variety act), Northeast Harris County’s largest party and parade. The rodeo board reluctantly put off their livestock sale until June 12. The auction will still be held that Friday with the Buyer’s Dinner beginning at 4:00 p.m. as does Buyers Registration. The awards portion begins at 5:30 p.m. The auction itself begins at 6:00 p.m.
The Livestock show lasts all week as the kids vie for education assistance through the sale of livestock at the auction. Cages will be allowed in starting next Sunday after 7:00 a.m. Then a week of showing and judging will begin culminating Friday. All the animals are to be released on June 13.
This year the Zydeco Festival under producer Troy Barrett has been postponed until August.
According to Troy, “I don’t want to risk everyone getting sick and I think we will all be better off with the event moving until August 14-16, that date was open with the Crosby Rodeo, so I made that decision out of concern. The Judge extended the stay at home until June 10, I think they might extend until July.”
“I am still in the process of booking acts and vendors because so much has changed lately. Plans were to have the Zydeco Festival in June.” says Barrett leaving his phone number for local talents (713) 204- 8800.
For tickets and information on attending the Crosby Zydeco Festival visit
Booking acts and food venues are done under a large number of considerations not everyone qualifies.