CROSBY – A woman was killed Friday and her boyfriend died later Sunday as a result of an auto pedestrian accident.
According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Captain Shannon, a couple walking from Walmart was struck at about 6:50 p.m. in the 8700 block of Krenek Rd. between Main Street and US 90. Both were taken by LifeFlight helicopters to hospitals in critical condition.
The 87 year old driver and vehicle were found two miles away. The driver was transported for medical care as he appeared confused.
Traffic reports confirm that Charley Lee Linderman was driving a black 2016 Lexus RX 350 westbound in the 700 block of Krenek, at the same time Kera Elizabeth Atkins and Joshua Cuellar were walking eastbound on the westbound lane, facing traffic. According to the report, Atkins and Cuellar failed to yield right of way and both were struck. The report indicates that Lenderman failed to stop and render aid, but was later found and identified.
Both pedestrians were taken to Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center where Ms. Atkins was pronounced deceased at 10:48 p.m. Mr. Cuellar was the less injured of the two but died of his injuries on Sunday.
The Vehicular Crimes Division of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating this case. Accident Investigator S. Jumbo is reviewing details.