CROSBY – Paula Patterson was named the lone finalist to serve as Superintendent by the Crosby ISD Board of Trustees at the third of successive Special Called Meetings in a week on Wednesday, March 17.
A press release from Crosby ISD touts 20 years as an educator and her current position as Deputy Superintendent of Academic Service in Sheldon ISD. “A graduate of Crosby ISD and a resident of the Crosby community, Mrs. Patterson began her professional career as a teacher in Crosby ISD and became principal of Crosby Elementary. She has served in numerous administrative leadership roles in LaPorte ISD and Galena Park ISD. In the Sheldon district Mrs. Patterson served in various central office administrative positions with increasing responsibilities before her current assignment as Deputy Superintendent.
Dr. King Davis, Sheldon ISD Superintendent, states, “Mrs. Patterson possesses all the attributes that are needed to be successful as a leader in education. Her expertise, leadership, and trustworthiness have made me a better leader and my team stronger.”
Sheldon ISD’s website attributes her duties as overseeing curriculum and instruction, elementary and secondary principals, special education services, grant development and compliance, innovative programs, PEIMS and accountability and multilingual programs.
“It is a great honor to be selected to lead my hometown district as Superintendent of Schools. Although I have served three other districts in the East Harris County area, I never moved my residence from Crosby. I am dedicated and committed to the work of our communities and providing a top-notch education for all of our students.”
She also served in administrative positions in Galena Park ISD and LaPorte.
Patterson replaces former Crosby ISD Superintendent Scott Davis, who piloted the district through financial difficulties, tirelessly strived for academic improvement, and oversaw athletic improvement for two years.
Davis served full time until his amassed vacation time with all districts would have taken him through his June retirement. Currently, he is helping with transition making sure all requirements and legalities are fulfilled.
Karen Grey, with 26 years in the District, serves as the Interim Superintendent since a February 26 Special Called Board Meeting.
Patterson could be confirmed as Superintendent at an April 7 regular board meeting.
CISD board of Trustees voted for the finalist in the superintendent search, as follows: Board President Tanya Eagleton for, Vice President J.R. Humphries against, Heather Barrett for, Jennifer Roach for, KeaLynn Lewis against, John Swinney against, Christina Castillo for.