CROSBY – The Cody Stephens Go Big or Go Home Memorial Foundation (GBOGH), along with its sponsors Zoll Medical Corporation and SaveStation Inc. have combined to place a fully Automated External Defibrillator (AED) at the Crosby Rodeo and Fairgrounds. Zoll Medical Corporation donated the AED to Parent Heart Watch (PHW), the national non-profit solely dedicated to the prevention of sudden cardiac arrest and death in youth.
The Go Big or Go Home Foundation then won the AED in an opportunity drawing held by PHW to raise money for the organization. SaveStation Inc of Ontario Canada donated the custom cabinet to house the AED, which is equipped with an alarm that activates when opened. The cabinet features an image of Cody Stephens and his last Crosby show steer before he passed away of sudden cardiac arrest his senior year of high school in 2012. A QR code is featured which links to the foundations website where the public can learn more about our efforts to protect and save young hearts from sudden cardiac arrest. The AED is located in the restroom hallway near the fair office, which is accessible when the fairgrounds are in use.
The donation of this AED continues the GBOGH foundations practice of placing AEDs in public areas of the Crosby Community. Along with partners Chris and Karen Claunch and the Crosby Education Foundation, the GBOGH Foundation has placed AED’s and SaveStation towers at both the Crosby ISD football and baseball complexes. Additionally, an AED is located at FBC Crosby and assistance was given in placing an AED at Crosby Methodist Church which houses an extensive weekday preschool program.
Additionally, work is underway to place AEDs at the county parks housing our communities little leagues. Harris County Precinct 3 is in the process of approving their locations and placements. Long time resident Cliff Reeves donated two AEDs to the foundation in honor of his wife, Becky, who passed away from heart complications.
The GBOGH Foundation is excited to continue making Crosby a heart safe community. Please reach out to the foundation at www.codystephensfoundation.org or 713-451- 3600 for questions, donations or possible future public locations in need of a lifesaving AED.
–Scott P Stephens, MAI, AI-GRS, President, Founder and Cody’s Dad, Cody Stephens Foundation