Hello East Harris County and Crosby ISD families,
This fall, Crosby ISD will be asking voters to approve an $85 million dollar bond to build two new schools. On Monday, August 21st, the Board of Trustees ordered the bond election for November 7th, 2023. There will be one measure to consider toward the end of the ballot: “Proposition A.”
“Proposition A” allows the District to issue $85 million in bonds to complete our plans for two future schools: a new elementary school and Phase 1 of a new middle school. The district would also replace roofs, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment and renovate restrooms. Some of our air conditioners are more than 21 years old on some campuses.
From the voter-approved bond in 2017, the District had approximately $89.5 million remaining. Earlier this year, the Board of Trustees allocated approximately $43.9 million for the new addition to Crosby High School, which is currently in the construction phase. The remainder of the 2017 funds would be paired with the $85 million raised from the 2023 Bond to build the new elementary and new middle school phase 1 and maintenance projects. Allow me to explain what “Phase 1” of a new middle school means. The campus would be home to only 6th graders initially. The building will be constructed in a way that it can be expanded later to accommodate 7th and 8th graders, and become the district’s second middle school.
The funds approved in 2017 do not have the buying power in 2023 that they did six years ago. That is why we are going to voters to ask for additional borrowing power. “Proposition A” will not ask for a tax rate increase. Our bond capacity as a District is $85 million with no tax rate increase. Why? The answer is two-fold. There are more homes and thus more taxpayers in Crosby ISD, and the appraised value of each home is also increasing.
Crosby ISD’s bond will be focused on new buildings, classroom spaces, and maintenance projects. No money will be or can be used for athletics nor will the money be used for extracurricular activities that do not directly impact the education of our children.
Growth is happening all over Crosby ISD. Fifteen new subdivisions are under construction or soon to be under construction on all sides of the District. Demographers predict an additional 10,000 homes will be built in our communities in the next 10 years. Those 10,000 homes will produce an estimated 4,500 new students to Crosby ISD.
You may wonder what is different in 2023 compared to 2017. The fact is that our bond rating has been upgraded, with Moody’s Investor Services stating the district has a “continued trend of strong operating performance leading to ample and growing reserves.”
I look forward to meeting with many of you as we take our bond proposal on tour and share our vision for the next chapter of Crosby ISD. You can read more now at www.crosbyisd.org/Bond2023. We are Moving Forward! Go Coogs!