Day: October 2, 2008

Czech Fest quilters take hands-on approach to auction
CROSBY — The Sacred Heart Altar Societys quilters have been stitching handiwork for the Czech Festival for longer than most can remember.Member Pearlie Martin has been involved in …

Obituaries for Oct. 2, 2008
SUSANNE ALINE CHANCEY, 52See print edition for details.

Our neighbors are in need
Hello All!I would like to take just a moment on your time. We will be giving thanks on Thursday for all the things we do have, for the …

Poe says NO to bailout bill
Dear Friends,Today, I stood victorious with the American people and voted *NO* to defeat the Wall Street Fat Cat bail-out, 228-205. The government has no authority to force …

Lynchburg Ferries closed several weeks for repairs
LYNCHBURG Hurricane Ike’s center came up the Galveston Bay, directly at Baytown and Lynchburg. It tossed around many boats, throwing them on land and on top of …

EPA to investigate San Jac River pollution
Congressman questions Ikes effect on toxic waste pits HIGHLANDS — U.S. Rep. Gene Green (D-Houston) is concerned that poisonous dioxins from the Channels San Jacinto Waste Pits may …

Thank You (Susanne Aline Chancey)
The BORNY, CHANCEY, ROSATI and DUNHAM families would like to express their gratitude to all the friends who attended the funeral and the individuals who sent flowers and …

Miss Highlands Pageant and Junior Miss Highlands
HIGHLANDS Due to the disruption caused by Hurricane Ike, the Highlands Lynchburg Area Chamber of Commerce has postponed their annual Highlands Jamboree until Oct. 25.Event organizer Kristy …