CATCH award at Highlands Elementary

By Amanda Kennington
Healthy Community School Coordinator

GCCISD Healthy Community School Coordinator, Amanda Kennington, presented Highlands Elementary School with a $500 gift card donated by CATCH Global Foundation.

Highlands Elementary was selected in a random drawing to win the CATCH Healthy School Award for parent Tammy Earl’s participation in CATCH’s Family Engagement: Health Ed Journeys MVP Gameshow(opens external link in new window). Ms. Earl submitted a photo of her daughter riding a bike for Challenge #1: Show Us How You MVP. The prize also includes a school-wide license to CATCH’s program portfolio for one school year.

Twenty-four K-8 campuses in GCCISD implement the CATCH program and will have additional opportunities to win this fall. GCCISD is proud to partner with CATCH Global Foundation and encourage a healthier community.